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About La Petite Noire

"You look beautiful when you feel beautiful"

I honestly and truly believe that the only way to look beautiful, to the one who matters most, is to feel it on the inside. It baffles me that so many beauty brands before us have capitalized on creating insecurities in people, to then sell them the "cure". Here, at La Petite Noire, I want to try something different. I want to help provide the solution; the type of beauty that doesn't have a price.

- Trisha Jay.  Founder

Our Story

La Petite Noire is committed to appreciating the unappreciated beauty that comes in all different shapes and sizes. More than just a cosmetics brand, every product and service offered is geared towards helping you feel your absolute best! Our body butters, body scrubs, and lip glosses are all handmade with love and care, as well as the attention to detail you deserve.


Our Petites are made to be just a beautiful as our customers are, "flaws" and all. They are our way of celebrating the different forms we all come in, whether physical or emotional, seen as positive or negative, or either major or minor. They come hand in hand with our Wellness Journals, created to ensure that you always feel like your best self, or have the strength to work towards being an even better version. Beauty doesn't come just in one shade or form, and even in the midst of a chaotic soul or mind, there is always something to be appreciated. We make it our main mission here to spread the message.

We appreciate all the love and support you give us, and do our best to uniquely, creatively, and whole-heartedly, give it back!

With love,

La Petite Noire

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